Data Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Statement

The event organisers (Merseyside Scouts, Girlguiding Sefton, Girlguiding Wirral and Girlguiding Merseyside) require the provision of data for the effective and safe management, planning and communications of the event.

In this regard, they operate as data processors as defined by the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Any data provided will be processed in line with the requirements and provisions of relevant, current legislation. Data provided will be utilised by event organisers for the purposes of (a) ensuring compliance with the relevant policies and rules of The Scout Association and Girlguiding UK (b) ensuring the wellbeing and safety of all those in attendance (c) financial aspects such as budgeting, forecasting and accounting (d) planning the event and (e) communicating with attendees and their representatives before, during and after the event.

Any personal information will only be shared with those involved in the management and delivery of the event where a clear, legal basis exists. No information will be sold or distributed. The organisers recognise the ‘special status’ of those under 16 and the requirement for their data to be managed with particular care. Data will be retained after the event for a reasonable period and where it is appropriate and necessary to do so, in line with the GDPR principle of data limitation, but not exceeding one year. Personal data required will be only requested where there is a clear purpose as defined in the data management principle of minimisation. Data may be stored and shared in a variety of forms, but access will be limited to a defined group of adults involved in the planning and delivery of the event. Further information about how the data is processed and managed can be obtained by contacting the event organisers at